Floor and Roof Options for Your Home's Patio

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When you decide to build a patio in your backyard, imagine how you want to use it. Do you want an area that can accommodate a couple of deck chairs, a large dining table or a kitchen? You might want your space to contain all these things. These considerations will help you work out the best size for the patio, which will also depend on the available space. Additionally, will the space be attached to the house or further in the garden?…

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Why Use Treated Sawn Timber?

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If you are looking for a suitable structural timber for your building project, then a treated sawn timber could be a viable option. What makes this timber special? Why should you consider using it?  What Is Treated Sawn Timber? Treated sawn timber processing turns regular pieces of wood into structural timbers. At the start of the process, your supplier cuts wood to your specifications. They then add one or more treatments to it to change the wood’s features.…

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