Elements to Take into Account When Purchasing Commercial Roller Doors

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Commercial roller doors are a staple for many business premises, and this can be credited to the range of advantages that they offer, from being a cost-efficient solution to providing commercial property owners with enhanced versatility. Nonetheless, a mistake some individuals make when buying these doors for the first time is assuming that they should go about the process the same way they would when investing in garage doors, which is grossly incorrect.

Certainly, both these purchases are major investments. But what you will be looking for in commercial roller doors is vastly different from the expectations that you would have from conventional garage doors. Fortunately, choosing the right doors for your commercial property does not have to be a long and drawn-out process. To simplify it for you, here are some elements to take into account when purchasing commercial roller doors.

Consider fire-rated roller doors

There are many reasons why your commercial business could be at the threat of a fire hazard. Whether there are open flames, toxic chemicals or even heavy pieces of equipment in the property, there is the risk of fire, and this would necessitate having to establish safety protocols to keep both your employees and your business's valuables safe. If this is the case, you can whittle down your options by focussing your attention on fire-rated roller doors.

Although these doors are not completely flameproof, they do help with containing a fire and mitigating how far it will spread when acted upon on time. Hence, you have a better chance of ensuring the safety of your workers while also salvaging your commercial property. Nonetheless, take note that the R-value of fire-rated roller doors is not as high as specialised fire doors, so you should not expect them to offer your property the same degree of protection.

Consider auxiliary features

Although commercial roller doors are usually thought of as a basic, non-complicated solution for any business, the truth is that they do not have to be this way. Admittedly, while they are designed with a straightforward mechanism, there is a range of auxiliary features that you can invest in that will work to elevate the overall functioning of these doors. For instance, you can opt for automatic photoelectric sensors that work to detect the presence of any objects or people under the open commercial doors and, subsequently, prevent the doors from closing.

This is quite handy on a busy floor where employees could be walking in and out of the premises, as they do not have to worry about constantly opening or shutting the doors behind them. Additionally, you could consider in-built pedestrian access for your commercial roller doors, which eliminates the need for workers to walk beneath them in the first place.
